RAC Forms & Policies

Seeking RAC Approval of a Research Project

If you want to collect data about consumers of Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network (DWIHN) services, or about providers of those services, you will need to obtain approval from the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) to collect your data. The process is neither long nor cumbersome. It ensures that research done within the system is beneficial to the community, protects consumers and providers and produces outcomes/information that are/is shared throughout the system.

Steps in the process:

  1. Gather up any documents related to the proposed project (e.g., funding applications, Internal Review Board (IRB) materials, etc.). If your project has been found to be "exempt" by an IRB, include a copy of this determination with your request for review. IRB approval involves review by an objective body to ensure certain rights of consumers/participants in research are protected. If your project is affiliated with a university or with federal or state government funding sources, you will obtain your IRB approval through those bodies. If your project is not associated with an IRB process, the RAC can help you connect with one.
  2. Complete the RAC Proposal Submission Form. If some of the requested information is contained in your IRB materials, just note this on the submission form.
  3. Send your completed RAC Proposal Submission Form and IRB materials, requesting RAC review of the project, via email to: Andrea L. Smith, Director of Clinical Practice Improvement  asmith1@dwihn.org
  4. The Chair will notify you of the time and date of review of your proposal. You may attend this meeting if you wish. Once the RAC reviews your form, the Chair will notify you if there is a need for further clarification or for you to attend a review meeting with the RAC members. This second meeting allows reviewers and the committee to ask additional questions or clarify understanding of the proposed project. It also helps to expedite the approval process.
  5. Wait for a written response following the review meeting, informing you as to whether the DWIHN’s RAC has "approved the project as submitted" or there are required changes. Do not proceed with the project until you have received this letter, usually within 2 weeks after the review meeting.
  6. The Primary Investigator on the project will be responsible for providing the RAC with any changes made to the project after approval by the IRB, copies of the Consent Form A link to a word file is present.  and any publications or presentations regarding the project, and a final report at the conclusion of the project for posting to the Research page of the DWC website.
  7. Feel free to contact Andrea Smith at any time if you need information, clarification, or have a question