May 12, 2023

2023.05.12 Reviewing the Genetics of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Reviewing the Genetics of Autism Spectrum Disorder

May 12,2023


Location: Online



This presentation will provide insight into the relevance of genetics in autism spectrum disorder.  Following an overview into genetics and heritability, genetic implications in autism spectrum disorder will be discussed including the known genetic syndromes and genetic mutations that are associated with autism spectrum disorder.  Types of genetic testing and testing recommendations will also be covered.
Clinicians should be alert to the possibility of gene disorders that may account for behaviors associated with autism along with other comorbidities as behavioral improvement can be achieved when underlying comorbid medical issues associated with autism spectrum disorders are addressed.  
Target Particpants:
Behavioral health care providers, social workers, mental health professionals, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists.
Course Objectives:
1.  Recognize the relevance of genetics in autism spectrum disorder 
2.  Understand the basics of genetics including heritability and clinical testing used to evaluate genetic factors
3.  Recognize types of genetic variation observed in autism spectrum disorder
4.  Describe comorbidities associated with specific genetic syndromes

Registration / Walk-In Policy

Registration is required. Walk-ins WILL NOT be permitted. Register to ensure your attendance.

Photo Consent

By joining us at this event, attendees consent to Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network's Detroit Wayne Connect photographing, videotaping and using your image and likeness.

ADA Accomodations

If you have individual requirements or need special services to participate in this training, please notify Please make arrangements at least two weeks before the event date.

DWC Accomodations

For any questions in regards to the event, please contact RaKya Collins at

Registration is closed