Oct 19, 2023

2023.10.19 Children's Mental Health Lecture Series: Building Secure Foundations: Understanding Infant Attachment and the Safe Babies model in Child Welfare

Children's Mental Health Lecture Series:

Building Secure Foundations: Understanding Infant

Attachment and the Safe Babies model in Child Welfare


Date: October 19, 2023

Time: 9am-11am

Location: Zoom Platform


Course Description:

This training will explore aspects of infant and toddler development, emphasizing the impact of attachment needs during the formative years of Birth through Three. This training will define what it means for a baby to be held, shedding light on the importance of nurturing and responsive caregiving and the barriers that can interfere. This training will explain outcomes for children when these crucial attachment needs are left unmet with specific attention given to the nuanced ways in which unmet attachment needs can manifest in child maltreatment cases. A significant portion of the training centers on the Safe Babies model, an intervention developed by Zero to Three and successfully employed in Wayne County's Baby Court program. Through the presentation of a compelling case study, the trainer illustrates how the Safe Babies model serves as an effective and transformative approach to addressing attachment-related challenges, ultimately promoting the well-being of infants and toddlers within the child welfare system. Participants will gain valuable insights into the critical role of attachment in child development and the practical application of evidence-based interventions like the Safe Babies model in enhancing child welfare outcomes.

Course Objectives:

Objective 1: By the end of this training, participants will be able to articulate the core basic attachment needs of infants and toddlers aged birth through three years, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of how nurturing and responsive caregiving supports healthy development.

Objective 2: Participants will acquire the ability to recognize the potential consequences when attachment needs in young children are unmet, specifically in the context of child maltreatment and child welfare involvement, allowing them to identify early warning signs and risk factors in real-world scenarios.

Objective 3: Through the examination of a case study involving the Safe Babies model within Wayne County's Baby Court program, attendees will gain practical knowledge and skills to apply trauma-informed and evidence-based strategies in their work, ultimately enhancing their capacity to advocate for the well-being of infants and toddlers in the child welfare system.


Part 1: Understanding Infant Attachment (30 minutes) - Definition of Attachment - Attachment Needs of Infants and Toddlers (0-3 years) - Importance of Responsive Caregiving

Part 2: Consequences of Unmet Attachment Needs (30 minutes) - Linking Attachment to Child Maltreatment - Recognizing Early Warning Signs - Impact on Child Welfare Involvement Break (10 minutes)

Part 3: The Safe Babies Model (30 minutes) - Introduction to the Safe Babies Model - Key Components and Principles - Case Study: Wayne County's Baby Court Program

Part 4: Practical Application and Discussion (30 minutes) - Group Discussion: Applying Safe Babies Principles - Strategies for Advocacy and Intervention - Role Play or Case Scenarios - Q&A Session Conclusion and Closing Remarks (15 minutes) - Key Takeaways and Insights - Resources and References


2 MI-CEC - Michigan Social Work credits have been approved for this training.

2 MCBAP-  Michigan Certification Board for Addiction Professional credits have been approved for this training.

2 CMHP - Child Mental Health Professional credits have been approved for this training.

2 QIDP - Qualified Intellectual Disability Professional credit have been approved for this training.

2 Training Hours

Registration / Walk-In Policy

Registration is required. Walk-ins WILL NOT be permitted. Register to ensure your attendance.

Photo Consent

By joining us at this event, attendees consent to Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network's Detroit Wayne Connect photographing, videotaping and using your image and likeness.

ADA Accomodations

If you have individual requirements or need special services to participate in this training, please notify Marika Orme at morme1@dwihn.org. Please make arrangements at least two weeks before the event date.

Registration is closed