Jly 18, 2024

2024.07.18 DWIHN’s 10th Annual Interfaith-Based Conference “WELLNESS BEYOND THE WALLS”

DWIHN’s 10th Annual Interfaith-Based


Reflecting on Lessons Learned, Embracing the present and living in the moment!


Date: July 18th, 2024

Time: 9:00am-4:00pm 

Location: Fellowship Chapel

7707 W. Outer Drive, Detroit, MI 48235


Conference Description:

As a part of our (DWIHN) commitment to providing a holistic approach to care, this conference aims to connect faith-based leaders with educators, researchers and professionals to create progressive dialogue and to address real concerns that faith-based organizations face within the communities and congregations they serve. Submissions are sought for workshop presentations focused on mental health and/or substance use disorder while incorporating the needs of the faith-based community. With the rise in Heroin, Opioids, Prescription Drugs, Tobacco: Marijuana/Vaping, Alcohol/Underage Drinking, Stigma, Human Trafficking, Suicide and Gambling, we are here to educate, advocate and create an opportunity to engage with, hear from youth and adult leaders and dialogue with interfaith based leaders. Our plan is to offer collaborative resources available to the communities of faith and its members. We encourage faith-based organizations and their representatives to attend. 

Conference Objectives:

This conference aims to connect faith-based leaders with educators, researchers and professionals to create progressive dialogue and to address real concerns that faith-based organizations face within the communities and congregations they serve. The Presenter(s) demonstrated mastery of the subject matter 

Timed Agenda:

8:15am - 8:55am Registration/Vendor Stroll – Sign in attendees/speakers/representatives

8:56am - 9:02am: Opening and Welcome by Dr. Constance Simon, Fellowship Chapel Min., Ecumenical Theological Seminary Professor

9:02am - 9:10am: Introductions, Opening Prayer, MOMENT OF SILENCE/PRAYER FOR COMMUNITY

9:10am - 9:20am: Welcome –Stacey Sharp, Judy Davis, DWIHN SUD Director & Karra Thomas, Chair of the Faith Based Collaborative

9:25am - 9:35am: Remarks by Eric Doeh, DWIHN CEO

9:36am - 10:25am: Introduction of Keynote Panel – Tracy Johnson, TTJ Group, Jihad Taleb, DMin, LMSW - Clinical and Macro Specialty

12:05pm -12:25pm: Music by The Flute Mocktails

12:30pm - 12:50pm: Wellness Room/Vendor Stroll

12:55pm - 12:59: Introduction of Keynote Speaker – Antoine Jackson, DWIHN Board Member

1:00pm - 1:49pm: Keynote – Toson Knight, Founder of Caught Up Mentoring and Division Director of Prevention and Diversion, Wayne County The keynote will address and present on deep passion for working with young people, highlighting how my life's challenges and triumphs have shaped and guided me to this point.

1:50pm - 1:55pm: Break

2:00pm - 2:45pm: Reflecting/Embracing/Hope for the future sessions: Session #5 and Session #6 Session #7 and Session #8 Session #5- presented by Katherine Blakley, New Light Recovery (introduced by Frankee Walker, SHAR, Inc.) This session is designed to address and identify how the intellectual dimension affects mental health, addiction, medical, and faith communities. Session #6-presented by Valentina Seely, (introduced by Will Council, Community Outreach Specialist, Office of Public Affairs, U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation) Session #7 – Importance of Cancer screening for early cancer detection presented by Muhammad Ali Shahid, DO (Dr. Ali), Hematology/Oncology Fellow PGY-V (introduced by Wilma Ruffin, Henry Ford Health) and Dr. Okereke – Henry Ford Kiosk This session will discuss - Session #8 – Hope for the Future presented by Angelica Jimenez – Youth Advocate for Youth United (introduced by Bianca Miles, Youth Rep. Jarell Farley, Romulus High School/DWIHN MH Youth Council) or Tiffany Devon) This session is designed to address the stigma busting and how we can

2:55pm - 3:00pm: Introduction of Mrs. Roberts-Brown. 2nd Year Power of One /Power of one Award, Jaren Roberts Brown

3:00pm - 3:29pm: The 5th Annual Greg Roberts Power of One Award Presentation by Jaren Roberts Brown

3:30pm - 3:49pm: Call to Action - Celebrating 10th Year Highlights facilitated by Clergy Leaders

3:50pm - 3:59pm: Closing Remarks by Karra Thomas, Faith-based Chair/Evaluation

4:00pm: Closing Prayer – Faith Based Collaborative member – Elder Jesse Washington 

Registration / Walk-In Policy

Registration is required. Walk-ins WILL NOT be permitted. Register to ensure your attendance.

Photo Consent

By joining us at this event, attendees consent to Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network's Detroit Wayne Connect photographing, videotaping and using your image and likeness.

ADA Accomodations

If you have individual requirements or need special services to participate in this training, please notify Karra Thomas at kthomas@dwihn.org. Please make arrangements at least two weeks before the event date.

DWC Questions

If you have any questions in regards to event details,credits, and certificates, please contact DeJuan Reed Dreed@@dwihn.org.

Registration is closed