Person Centered Planning & IPOS Development Training
"Trauma Informed Support Coordination"
With: Deirdre Mercer, Director of Training, Community Living Service
Date: Thursday, February 20, 2025
Time: 9:00am - 11:00am
Location: Zoom Webinar
Register in advance for this meeting:
Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network and Community Living Services have partnered in the development of a Person Centered Planning (PCP) and Individual Plan of Service (IPOS) training overviews for Clinically Responsible Service Providers in Wayne County. Please join us for this distance learning opportunity on the ZOOM Platform.
Course Description:
Trauma Informed Support Coordination will take previously learned principles of Trauma Informed Care training and apply them to assist Support Coordinators who provide support to individuals who experience Intellectual and Developmental Disability as their primary diagnosis. Whether is it the big traumas such as loss, abuse, and neglect or smaller more frequent traumas of isolation, bullying, and labeling it is imperative for those entering a person's space to provide support that we presume that trauma exists and affects the way a person will encounter us. This training aims to strengthen the clinician's skills of recognizing and assessing traumatic experiences in a person's history, understand how this history affects who the person is today and together with the person and their circle of support develop and monitor a plan that takes this into consideration. We recognize that every person's experience is unique and requires an individualized approach. This includes hope in resilience and the person's ability to heal and promote recovery from trauma.
1. Participants will be able to identify the "big" and "little" traumas that impact individuals experiencing IDD.
2. Participants will be able to name 4 symptom areas of PTSD
3. Participants obtain tools to support a person when person becomes triggered in order to calm the "emotional" brain and engage the "smart" brain.
4. Participants will be able to create a crisis plan that is proactive in nature and helps the person and their circle of support recognize and respond with the tools obtained.
Registration / Walk-In Policy
Registration is required. Walk-ins WILL NOT be permitted.Pre-Register to ensure to receive credit for your attendance.
Photo Consent
By joining us at this event, attendees consent to Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network's Detroit Wayne Connect photographing, videotaping and using your image and likeness.
Continuing Education
- SOCIAL WORKERS: (2) Continuing education credits are approved for this training.
- QUALIFIED INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY PROFESSIONALS (QIDP): (2) Event hours meet the MDCH training requirement for QIDP staff.
- TRAINING HOURS: (2) Event hours will count toward the annual training hours required by most provider agencies.
ADA Accomodations
If you have individual requirements or need special services to participate in this training, please notify Trent Sanford at (313) 409-7865 or Tsanford@dwihn.org. Please make arrangements at least two weeks before the event date.