Conferences & Training

02/25/2025 2025.02.25 Encouraging a Culture of Selfcare in the Workplace Virtual - Zoom
02/26/2025 2025.2.22 Adult Mental Health First Aid DWIHN 8726 Woodward, Detroit MI
02/27/2025 2025.02.27 Annual Trauma Conference Healing Through Collaboration: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Trauma DoubleTree Dearborn/Detroit 5801 Southfield Fwy.
02/28/2025 2025.02.28 Annual Trauma Conference Healing Through Collaboration: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Trauma DoubleTree Dearborn/Detroit 5801 Southfield Fwy.
03/05/2025 2025.03.05 & 03.06 PECFAS Initial Training *DWIHN Children Provider Staff Only* Guidance Center - Center of Excellence
03/13/2025 2025.3.13. PCP & IPOS Development Training ''Following the Golden Thread'' Virtual ZOOM - Webinar
03/19/2025 2025.03.19 &03.20 CAFAS Initial Training (DWIHN Children’s Provider Staff Only) Guidance Center - Center of Excellence
03/26/2025 2025.3.26 Adult Mental Health First Aid DWIHN 8726 Woodward, Detroit MI
07/14/2025 2025.07.14 & 07.15 PECFAS Initial Training (DWIHN Children Provider Staff Only) Guidance Center - Center of Excellence
07/22/2025 2025.07.22 & 07.23 CAFAS Initial Training (DWIHN Children’s Provider Staff Only) Guidance Center - Center of Excellence


1. Find your event topic and click on its title for more information.
2. Click on event to print details or to register.

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Non DWC Events  Non DWC Events
DWC Events  DWC Events
Document Attached  Document Attached

Additional Trainings:
Want to schedule a MHFA, QPR or Narcan training? Download Combined Training Brochure to find out more!

Non-DWC trainings and conferences that appear on this website are created and delivered by third parties that are independent of the DWC (DWC ). DWC is not responsible for the content of those trainings and conferences. Inclusion of a training or conference does not constitute endorsement by DWC or the party or parties associated with that training or conference.