How to clean your cache in Mozilla Firefox 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0

Below is the full method, although it is possible to simply go to Tools, and select Clear Private Data, or to just press Ctrl+Shift+Delete. Please note that these options clear what you have set the browser to clear in Tools > Options... > Privacy, which can mean the cache, although it may also include passwords, and search and browsing history, so be careful.

1. Go to Tools and select Options...

Click on image to enlarge 

2. Go to the Privacy tab, and click Settings... (in the blue box in the image).

Click on image to enlarge 

3. Select what you would like to have cleared.

Click on image to enlarge 

4. Return to the Options menu. If you want your cache cleared automatically, every time you close the browser, click the appropriate checkbox (shown in red in an earlier image).


5. Press "Clear Now" under the Settings button.